(970) 927-9668

Barns of the American West

“The west is a mirror in which America sees itself. It is the land of opportunity. The Cowboys and Cowgirls that embrace this independent spirit symbolize hard work and freedom. Their ways of yesterday are similar to today, and with so much change surrounding all of us, reaching in to the soul of the west is captivating, perhaps a dream.
Most of my paintings depict the ranch hands of Ranch lands. From the front range of Colorado
to the San Luis Valley, gathering subject matter and experiencing first hand this authentic, yet lonely lifestyle, is a gift. As drawings and paintings unfold I avoid capturing the detail of faces, giving the viewer an entry into this way of life. The strength in the cowboy hat, the rope, the reins, the head of the horse, the horn of the saddle, are important symbols taking us on a drive to an America we long for, or longed for. The mystery and power surrounding the cowboy will ride on forever.